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Monday, April 18, 2011

Reheated: Secret Veg Weapon

Part of an ongoing series about dishes meant to be reheated.

One of the problems of planning a dish that is meant to be reheated over time is that fresh green vegetables get left out of the mix. Reheating spinach, for example, simply reduces it into green slime. Delicate vegetables are out, but more robust vegetables hold up well to reheating. Bok choy, for example, reheat well, as do kale, cauliflower, and carrots. And legumes. Which leads me to my secret weapon to bringing something green into a dish but allowing it to be reheated.


That's the Japanese name for young green soybeans, which are now readily available, shelled and frozen, in most grocery stores. They're very versatile: you can boil them for 5 minutes (straight from the freezer bag), salt them, and they're ready to eat. Or they can be stir fried, tossed into a stew, or ground with some lemon juice and olive oil for a green "hummus". Cooked whole, though, they hold up very well to reheating.

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